Sonntag, 12. Dezember 2010

TGWTG Picture Madness

Always wondered what your money can do? Well one thing for sure, it guarantees some slackers their man-child lifestyle. For example a mini bar and a big ass HD TV. Remarkable that TGWTG-Fans are always broke and say things like " Awwwww i wish someone would buy me an Xbox because i have no money".

So here we can see Doug Walker aka Nostalgia Critic´s living room. I say "Thank you" fanbrats for all the stuff here (pay close attention to the left side a little breeze of Arthouse is heading your way)

Living Room paid by Fanboy Donations

A high class guy like Doug Walker is nothing without a fancy mini bar (thanks again to fanboys)

Am i the only one who thinks Doug should change his decorator cause this looks like a frat house (Thanks Ricardo) bar to me

Ever wondered what people do when they got no jobs or real life? Exactly they go for gender swap to break out of their misery.

Even Linkara has this hobby now (can somebody tell me what the orangish shades around his lips are?)

Where bad comics burn.........well okay?????
Gender Swap runs in the Family, here is what you get when you buy some of those Nostalgia Critic DVD´s. This Guy has no Dignity and even the Menu is poorly made. And People buy those crap..........

Isn´t thas High Production Value?

Leonardo Da Vinci, no not the Assassins Creed Fangirl incarnation, iam speaking about the real guy. He has found a new profession. Today on the list "The Last Douchebag Supper"

Hmm so many Judas personas and no Jesus, i think we have a problem. Pay attention to this strange demon in the right corner

Aren´t those guys adorable? Thanks to all fanboys for their donations, you guys give me the fuel i need :-)

5 Kommentare:

  1. "Am i the only one who thinks Doug should change his decorater cause this looks like a redneck bar to me"

    Looks more like a "frat house" bar to me. The tacky lights and everything.

    Well Doug will have plenty stuff to sell when people will stop giving a shit about his "character".

  2. ... Maybe should I become an angry reviewer as well, look at that house, GODDAMN! Say what you want about the bar, I would take that!

    Donation plz

  3. Ha Ha. You didn't need to change the description but thank you for valuing my opinion that much. ;)

  4. I think the orange stains are chips.
