Donnerstag, 4. November 2010

My Pet Monster aka NC is homophobic

As a long time NC-Fan myself i call this my personal Duty, to speak about the developments lately on TGWTG.

First things first iam from germany so to all those Die-Hard NC-Fans who will harass me ;-) you can bash me easily if you call my language skills horrible or just call me Nazi (well you know because iam german and thats the first thing some TGWTG-WHack-nuts will come to mind). So lets get started.

My Pet Monster

BTW Kudos to BatDan who did a terrific job by expose the Irate Gamer. I think i will use his style because its fun :-)

Minute 0 : Ahhh good old commercials to make monnnnayyyyyy

0:00 - 0:09 : We are going back, well thanks NC for keeping us informed about you "Nostalgic" mission here.

0:10 - 0:20 : Nope sorry not every kid has, because My Pet Monster was targeted at a boy audience. just to make it clear (yeah i know nitpicking)

0:20 - 0:35 : Come on Doug this overacting has really jumped the shark here. I mean thats the whole idea behind such market sell outs, to make money so it is just a fact that a lot of people bought this video or rented it.

0:35 - 0:46 : Awwww Doug you missed the Penis-nose joke.

0:50 - 0:55 : Of course those chains are made out of plastic, could you imagine the law suit when kids strangled themselves with steel chains?

1:00 - 1:05 : So this animated series has nothing to do with the Pet Monster thing? No further questions your honor

1:15 - 1:30 : It is not a videogame opening its just animated, you know Doug Kids movie and stuff. Also those other monsters are shown at least their poor counterparts (just watch the museum scene you get my drift)

1:45 - 1:55  : Captain Obvious time just to underline his poor statements, that was lame, really lame. Its called teasing the audience Doug, you know Alfred Hitchcock did it in his movies by appearing just for a brief time during some scenes.

1:56 - 1:58 : poor literacy is kewl Doug " Movie fucking suck" what did you mean by that?

2:00 - 2:03 : Reference to some of Dougs last episodes to show " Hey guys i know my stuff iam DA King"

2:09 - 2:13 : Nice infos about Resident Evil and voice actiing, but it was just used to introduce some lame Zombie Joke (who would have guessed)

2:20 - 2:25 : Impersonating a british accent never works, just look at Madonna and also its getting old Doug, its getting old.

2:40 - 2:45 : Doug you are a monkey, a money greedy monkey

2:58 - 3:18 : Now its getting really bad, homophobic jokes, pointless skits and scenes (my guess this will be repeated during this "review") is Doug is actually homophobic?

3:20 : Hahahahahaha Muppet Ancient Civilisat....what was the joke again. Come on Guys those kind of gags are not even used in Family Guy

3:40 - 3:42 : Well Doug then enlighten us what the "scientific" word for monster is.Btw Monster is a termo for the latin word "monstrare" or "monstrum" so well whats your point here?

3:53 : Ohhh my brains hurting right now "Sucking Bernies dick"? You are homophobic, no doubt about it. At this point the whole review goes down like shit in handbasket. Doug those boys are underage, and there is a difference between homosexuality and a normal Boy-friendship. You should be more concerned, that they are mocking another kid.

4:04 - 4:15 : Useless homophobic skit. Thanks Doug i bet all those homosexual guys who are afraid of outing themselves will love your stereotypic point of view.

4:20 : Useless wannabe MST3000 acting next

4:40 - 4:50 : WTF did anybody even crack a smile during this Doug at his best performance?

4:58 - 5:04 : If you rip it out of context it is clear that it seems that this boy had only two lines. If i would rip all your videos out of context there would also be only two things left " Hello iam the Nostalgia Critic i remeber it so you dont have to" and "Shooting your gun with poor special effects"

5:06 : Ahh Tommy Wiseau reference for maximum pleasure to serve thos TGWTG Fanboys and let them know " Hey its me Doug do you duty and stalk and harass Tommy Wiseau in my name cause iam shattered in my stupid little world because someone actually stood up against me"

5:13 : Yeahhh right Dooopedido. This statue transforms this kid because......its the goddamn plot of this whole my pet Monster thing. Good Lord he is more "f(r)ustrating then the Irate Gamer"

5:36 - 6:16 : Thats a long part, he was pissed at the costume? As a kid? come on DOug this contradicts with the end of your review when you said this effects scare the shit out of you. So if you, as a kid, would have been scared by red lights and non frightening statues my guess is, that you actually were full of joy when you first saw the monster. And btw the radioactive garfield thing - dont do it it wasnt that funny.

6:30 - 6:44 : Ok i admit the joke about the effects and the 15 bucks Toys r us doll was ok. But then he uses i mean overuses those pop cultural references again and again.

7:20 - 7:25 : Valid point but dont forget this movie is a kids movie

7:30 - 7:32 : Oh no lame photoshop joke ahead (now i understand why they are searching for photoshop pros for their upcoming "Blistered Thumbs" site which will fail btw because there are too many US-Online Mags with good and fair content, i think we all agree when i say "That those Blisteres Thumb guys are the most bought off sellouts ever. Mark my words.) And he even uses Diarrhea in a way the AVGN would do. Yes Doug you are one of a kind.

7:58 - 8:10 : So a Monster is not allowed to read comic books? Are you effin serious. I dont know how far you can think but there are plenty of examples where Monsters or Deformed figures are actually not reduced to " Ahhhhhhh" and "ohhhhhhhh". Take The Fly for instance, this guy is a effin scientist.

8:15 : ahhh another stupid cameo because if everything fails at TGWTG there will be pointless cameos. You dont believe me? Just watch the latest videos from all members or BUT WAIT dont do it its not worth it.

9:34 : Mr Beans Car ok that was funny but only because it wasnt FORCED like all those other lame Doug Walker produced jokes.

9:40 : You are actually mocked because of the initials KKK? And thats from someone who is homophobic.....hippocrite

10:09 : Daaaaaaahhh you moron we NEED a stupid plot for this kid to actually USE his magic powers. And btw boring Avatar-Gaga nuff said.

10:42 : And Doug you are not funny so you shouldnt be a reviewer in the first place.

10:46 : i knew there would be a stupid Tape-recorder joke, i just knew it. I bet all the TGWTG-Fanboys also expected this to happen.

11:02 : Even if i hate the Irate Gamer to the guts, but didnt he uses a Escher-Picture gag in one of his episodes? Way to go Doug, Way to go

11:20 : Ladies and gentlemen here is the perfect example how Doug Walkers Joke are made: Just add some words together combine them with something stupid and there you go a typical Nostalgia Critic Gag is born. I dont understand why those TGWTG Fanboys dont realise this?

11:27 : Painful, paperwork would stretch this movie and i bet if they would have included a paperwork segment Doug would be complaining about this scene to be "Pointless" or to speak in his words " A Big Lipped Alligator Moment"

11:47 : You call that racism? Well Mister "Homophobic" isnt the "Big Lipped" Alligator Moment racist in itself? And btw its a kid movie. ast time i checked they even disguised E.T. its just a kids imagination you know.

12:35 : Well Doug a little far fetched but metallic objects tend to get rusty and rusty object often have a orange-like colour which btw was the original intention they had when the created those orange chains for the toys.

12:39 : Oh no another boring filler.

13:14 : A kids movie again

13:23 : Good Old Racist and homophobic Doug Walker strikes back. This time its Stevie Wonder. Honestly how could Douglas Walker still have fans, his gags getting more and more childish.

13:49 : Ok Doug this monster sounds retarded because he has a little kids voice? So that means that all little kids are retarded?

14:52 : We covered the scared-the-shit part before......

15:16 : Lazy story, lazy bla bla bla - Well Doug thats all i can say from your late works.

15:32 : Ohhhh nooo the whole " I Call the Director" Thing AGAIN

16:00 to end : Warning Warning. My bet is on e-Begging here. Let me guess in the future TGWTG will show their videos only for paying people because Doug now realised "OMG iam 28 and all i do with my lousy life is reviewing some crappy NO one Cares-Movies" time get some moar MONEEEEYYYY

Guys you will see the NC is going for more money :-) or he will rip off some othere reviewers.

Well thats my first entry here, i know its horrible but i was so pissed right now i had to start this Blog. Especially when i saw thet those Blistere Thumbs guys are going to do a Review Site like IGN etc.

 This pisses me off, they really think that they can put their dirty little fingers into everything? And those shameless Job Offers they got. Every normal person would smell this "Slave" relationship cause all those BT-guys wanna do is getting more money and let you do the shit work. Thats a fact.

Do you really believe that some stupid Angry Joe would give you his review copy of Medal of Honor? Do you really believe that.

if you wanna be part of the video game journalist thing, then please do yourself a favor and stick with the real ones like IGN, EDGE Magazin or even gametrailers or Gamespot.

And now TGWTG-Fanboys bring it on and show me what you got, but remember one thing " ED and BS will have their fun with you" :-)

11 Kommentare:

  1. Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.

  2. 1) I know you're a troll.
    2) I know I'm feeding you right know but I'm going to forgive myself.
    3) Nobody is forcing you to watch their shows, nobody makes you pay for watching them.
    4) Why do you even watch their shows if you know you're going to hate them?
    5) Who's really pathetic here? The people who watch Nostalgia Critic etc. and have a good time while doing so, or you who not only watches the shows despite hating them, but also meticulously protocols them, offering up precious time with which you could have done other things (like donating something to a charity because "TGWTG scams everybody"...).

    It's easy to destruct, it's more difficult to build.

    Get out of your room/basement and embrace reality. It's worth it. Trust me.

  3. And you know, the only reason people call you a "troll" is because you are.
    Think about it:
    - You watch internet shows you hate.
    - You complain that you hate them.
    - You're not satisfied with being bored by them but you have to take a s*** on people who like them.
    - "Just don't watch them" is not an option because then you couldn't make other people angry.

  4. Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.

  5. And last but not least (and I know you'll ridicule the notion of it): The Nostalgia Critic is, after all, a (childish) character.

  6. Nope sorry iam not a troll because its my Opinion you little fanboy brat :-)

    Greetings Nostalgia Critic

  7. Even though I am a fan of Doug Walker’s work, I like to read what the haters have to say.

    Are you planning on criticizing another one of his videos?

  8. Is this blog still updated? Whatever, who gives a fuck. Look, kid, your "blog" is the biggest pile of shit I've ever seen. And don't tell me it's because you're German, I'm German too and I can write a coherent English sentence.
    I'm not even angry at you because you bash TGWTG. I like their stuff, but lately, the Nostalgia Critic has made some epic fuck-ups. For example, his latest Transformers Review simply sucked ass: I can't stand listening to this fucking monotonous voice, his fans are shitty actors, and his 2-minute-gag was just painful. I would really like to see someone call him out on shit like that, but when people like you do it, it simply sounds retarded.
    For one, your grammar sucks, big time. Grammar, spelling, everything. I've already commented on it, and it could do it 100 more times, because you're just that bad. For starters, "I am" is not written together.
    And it's not like there's a treasure of gold hidden underneath this layer of shit that is your grammar. No, underneath your shit, there's just a big pile of smoking vomit. I'm not saying this because you insult the Nostalgia Critic, or anyone else. No, I'm saying it because your criticism is superficial and, pretty often, plain wrong. For example, stalking has nothing to do with how the Nostalgia Critic treats Tommy Wiseau. Stalking means to, well, get yourself a fucking dictionary, I'm not going to give you a fucking definition here.
    Another reason for why your criticism sucks? It's incomprehensible if you don't watch the Nostalgia Critic videos next to your wall of text. Yes, to understand your criticism, we are forced to watch the Nostalgia Critic. That's why I can't comment on a lot of your points: I simply don't understand what you're talking about, and I can't be bothered to rewatch an entire episode because you're too dumb to tell us the jokes you deem to be offensive.
    Well, and that's it. You suck so fucking hard, it's unbelievable. And before you declare yourself the moral victor of this debate because I actually gave you attention: I like to tell idiots that they are idiots. You're nothing special.
    Have a nice day, and remember to go to bed early or else, your parents will get mad at you. Five year old moron.

    1. Me again, I just realized I told you you're nothing special after telling you your blog is the biggest pile of shit I've ever seen.
      Yes, that's technically an error, and I do not want to give you the gratification of pointing it out.
      I was simply too busy to reread my first paragraph before publishing it, so I accidentally left the hyperbole in. You're not the greatest idiot I've ever seen, but you're an idiot nonetheless. Hope I could clarify this.
