Samstag, 20. November 2010

I Got my Attention TV Tropes THANK YOU

WHat can i say, the first thing they criticised about me was *DRUMS PLEASE* my English Skills, as predicted in my first ever Blog entry.

I love those creepy little kids, they do exactly what i want them to do *PULL THE STRING*

Here is the link to this really pathetic (even for my standards) forum :

Its so awesome, i never made "THAT" much of a deal about my Blog. But to make things short, here is what i think about certain things.

1) Encyclopedia Dramatica : I love it, i still hope to get an article there. The only thing i dont understand in their TGWTG Article, why are they bashing Chick with the Googles for getting a real job and quit this TGWTG-Rathole?

2) Busy Street : Absolutely love those guys, even if they dont care. Its good to have a balanced view (and sometimes those guys and girls are fair)

3) AVGN : I like him. Yes his Nerd-Videos are getting a little bit boring but hey his Monster Madness Videos are great and he shows the passion of a filmmaker.

4) Irate Gamer : He is better then most of the TGWTG-Clowns like Angry-Moron-Look-Joe. But still i despise him, yes i do.

5) Bat Dan : He does a good job with exposing Irate Gamer, but he should definitely step back and look at TGWTG for what it is, a shamless shameless money sucking piece of dog-shit. Anyways Welcome Back Bat Dan.

Here comes the TGWTG-Crew , if you didnt list anyone of them its because i totally lost count of how much of those fuckers are actually on this site right now.

1) Nostalgia Critic : He is getting boring and boring. His first entrys like Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter are funny but after that it went downhill pretty fast. And btw dont you guys find it funny that he actually has the guts to put an AD before his auction Video? I do and say he is just interested in money and dont give a fuck about fans

2) Nostalgia Chick : Yeah right she is a girl, thats why she is allowed to create a video every three months or so. Dont get me wrong iam thankful for that because i think that her videos are booooooooring and even as "Fap"-Material she doesnt work (i think Chick with the googles is wayyyyyyyyy hotter)

3) Linkara : He is ok, i never liked Comics but i like his videos. He should split from TGWTG and do his own thing, it would suit him better. So no argument here, at least he loves his girlfriend and his videos.

4) Angry Joe : Hey Joe my dear pal you know what: ANGRY is so 90s. This guy pisses me off because with all his videos he is wrong all the time. Example : Bayonette " AngryJoe gives a 7" and we all know how awesome Bayonetta was. The other time at Army of Two 40th Day : AngryJoe in his boring rule : " He it has Guns *GreenScreen effect* this will be awesome". We all know how "average" AO2 40th Day was. So this guy should crawl under a rock and just die or leave the internet.

5) Phelous : Can this guy review anything else then Silent Hill? Silent Hill in general is awesome, i think the movie was great because it uses original songs or melodies from the games. Yes the fourth game installment was cheap but hey its way better then Phelous makes them. Verdict : He is just boring and does the same stuff all over again.

6) Benzaie : He is clever i think, cause he is not putting his face on every video at TGWTG. I wont make fun of him because he is french, cause thats lame. Verdict : Keep ypur low profile and do your own stuff / split from TGWTG.

7) Spoony : Bla bla bla he is a castrated (by Fatty ginger scarlett) drama queen who has decreased in quality so rapidly, even light speed could keep up with the pace. His first videos were great, even as a Final Fantasy 8 fan i wasnt butthurt cause some of his reasons are plausible. But after that he was getting greedy like no one else. His quality decreses, he ban hammers people for having a different opinion (Exactly like Nazis during the 30s and 40s) and he is really getting chubby and lazy. Verdict : Spoony go home bro, take your time off cause you are annoying

8) Sean Fausz : Wow he is my personal favorite to make fun about. Why? Its obvious he is a fat, retard, lazy, boring, unemployed, e-begging, unfunny, hippocrite whale of a man. He doesnt work but gets time to play the latest video games (which he borrows from friends and bitches about them). And also he is resistent when it comes to help. A lot of people actually told him to change his life style ( guess what most of them are Busy street or ED affiliates) and he ignores them and plays the troll card on them. But hey lets be honest for on second here : " I think that people who actually tell you the truth are more of a friend then his bloodsucking TGWTG-pals who are waiting for him to die, so that they can sell moar stuff"
Verdict : Well he wont survive his 25th birthday so this problem will solve itself in the next few years

9) MarzGurl : Yeah well she is an otaku, but a boring one. I would have nailed her lets say 4 years ago ;-) when she was attractive, i mean attracitve in a positive way. But right now she goes the same way everyone on TGWTG did " getting chubby" and thats sad sister. You really had the potential to be Fap material, whoch is a good thing cause you could easily ask guys for donations, like Nostalgic Chick did, but failed due to her boring appearance cause we all know " A bowtie works on Playboy bunnys not on leftarded movie students who are always showing themselves with another fat chick (Nella YIKES) just to look better.

10) Chick with the Goggles : You did the best there is, quit or semi quit TGWTG and work for your appearance and real life. I say you are the most attractive girl on TGWTG (even if you dislike me and my Blog). Verdict : Keep it this way and you are good to go

11) Cinema Snob : Even if those Busy Street Guys like em, i have to admit that i watched just a few videos and they were ok. Verdict : Well he is ok i guess, but should quit TGWTG and stick with his own thing

12) did i miss something? i dont know cause i dont know other guys besides blatant JewWario who is always spelling Japanese Names like he knows what he is talking about.

If i miss someone just put it in the comments, thanks alot

PS: Iam so happy that i got my attention ;-) I hope someone will show those TGWTG-Kids this Blog, so that they can also make fun of my in their videos. I also have some ideas

1) Nazi jokes because iam german
2) Analyse my bad english skills and show every typo
3) Order your minions fanboys to troll my Blog :-)
4) Call me troll ( Yeah i know boring but i have to work with the low TGWTG-standards here)

5 and most important : IGNORE all constructive criticism and decrease your quality to a level where nobody will care for you guys anymore.

3 Kommentare:

  1. "IGNORE all constructive criticism and decrease your quality to a level where nobody will care for you guys anymore."

    Isn't that what you're doing? When did you last do a constructive post (I'm serious)?

  2. Hello Dear TGWTG-Fanboy :-) you must be pretty much butthurt (Mission Accomplished)

    Btw this was my first entry in my Blog, but at least i keep my Blog Up to Date ^^ not like some other guys

  3. Yes, I'm a fanboy, but not an uncritical one.

    And no, I'm not really butthurt. It just amazes me to what lenghts certain people go to bash something they might as well ignore. And that's coming from me, a hobby film critic.

    And I sometimes fancy a good argument. Furthermore, I noticed that the defenders of TGWTG are non-existent here (which is probably a good sign because nobody's granting you any attention like me (facepalms himself ;) )).

    I'm considering leaving because discussing would mean I'd keep feeding a troll.
